Collecting for Our future
Open Science, Information, and Research Infrastructure
©Deutsches Museum Digital, Konrad Rainer, Midjourney
160 Million Objects
160 million physical objects and their digital replicas represent a significant part of our global natural, technological, cultural, and social diversity.
17 Institutions
17 institutions with large, significant collections combine expertise, knowledge, and resources, forming the core of a scalable and open information and research infrastructure.
1000+ Experts
Over a thousand experts ensure long-term and sustainable development, preservation, and maintenance of the collections united in the OSIRIS Consortium.
A Unique Infrastructure
OSIRIS takes on the immense challenge of comprehensively unlocking large national natural, technological, and cultural historical collections as a national infrastructure, making them globally accessible, strategically developing them in their entirety, and preserving them as part of the global heirtage of humanity.

Nature, Culture & Technology
A joint initiative of research institutions with natural, technical, and cultural-historical collections, possessing enormous data expertise.
Global Infrastructure Landscape
Standards and partners support the compatibility and integration of OSIRIS into international projects such as the Open Science Cloud or the ECCCH.
Citizen & Community Science
The open and globally guaranteed access to data for all integrates Citizen & Community Science into a global network of knowledge.